Our commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
The Waldorf Institute of Southern California represents a community of teacher educators and students who embrace an inclusive learning environment where differences are welcomed for the unique perspectives that they bring in cultivating a deeper understanding and appreciation for the evolving human being. All peoples throughout recorded time are recognized to be vital contributors to that evolution. We know that a complete and equitable experience of others provides a truer, clearer mirror to reflect on our own lives.
The Co-directors and Trustees of WISC are committed and are striving to achieve inclusive hiring and recruiting practices on every level of our organization to reflect this belief, as we hold deep interest in achieving what it means to represent and express the full picture of our humanity. We firmly denounce racism and racial injustice. We do not discriminate against any participants or prospective participants in our program - teachers, students, staff or board - on the basis of race, nation of origin, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, religion, age, appearance, occupation, political affiliation or disability.
We acknowledge that there are statements in Rudolf Steiner’s published work that are experienced as racist, hurtful and damaging. We reject any statements that reflect racism and bias. WISC recognizes that a neutral stance around these issues is not an option. Social structures and behavioral patterns regarding racism, sexism, and exclusion based on otherness perpetuate systemic inequality, and we strive to change this status quo and work consciously and continually toward a more just and equitable narrative in our curriculum. We are inspired to work toward having a student body, staff and board that reflect the rich diversity of Southern California, the region in which we reside.
We acknowledge that the Waldorf movement has historically ignored institutional racism, and by doing so has contributed to unconscious bias in Waldorf communities. We further acknowledge the harm that this has caused marginalized people within our communities, who have historically been excluded, and denied true hospitality.
We are committed to ongoing self-reflection in order to find a wholehearted hospitality for all: to support diversity, equity and inclusion as a pathway to social justice, and to bring to conscious awareness the explicit and implicit biases in ourselves and our institution. Every aspect of our program calls for personal growth. We strive to build qualities that embrace a truly inclusive approach to the education of children. The moral and spiritual principles underlying Waldorf education form the heart of the Waldorf educator, and from this open heart we are committed to the study of works by anti-racism and equity thought leaders for teachers, staff and board, as well as consciously looking at what we are bringing in our curriculum.
With these spiritual principles in place, and in order to create equity in the economic realm to respect and support our ideals, we maintain an Accessible to All Tuition Program that acknowledges economic disparity and provides support and personal dignity to all qualified applicants.
We are committed to living into this document and will review our progress with all stakeholders throughout the year. A written record of these reviews will be in the board minutes. Past minutes from a DEI discussion can be requested at any time for review and contribution.